Monash University Heat Wave Report how many people die every year in India due to heat wave

‘It is very hot today, keep the house open, the east wind will come from its street at night.’ The East East that Khalil Rampuri is talking about in this couplet is currently missing from North India. There is heat wave havoc here these days. It is raining on the streets after 10 o’clock in the day. Meanwhile, a research by Australia’s Monash University has come out, in which it has been claimed that heat waves and hot winds are responsible for 153,078 deaths occurring every year across the world.

This heat is responsible for every fifth death

Australia’s Monash University Heat Wave Report has done a research based on data between 1990 and 2019. In this research, data of deaths at 750 places in 43 countries has been included. The results of this research have been published in the international journal Plos Medicine.

According to the results of this research, about 45,92,326 people have lost their lives due to heat wave across the world in the last 30 years. Talking about India alone, there are an average of 31,748 deaths due to heat wave here every year. If we talk about the world, 153,078 people die every year due to heat wave. If we compare this with India’s figures, every fifth death due to heat wave has occurred in India.

Who is at which place in the death chart?

According to this research, India is at the top in terms of deaths due to heat wave. India accounts for more than 20 percent of the approximately 1.5 lakh deaths due to heat wave every year. In this matter, India’s neighboring country China is at second place. Here every year about 21 thousand people die due to heat wave. While Russia is at number three. Every year about 12 thousand people lose their lives due to heat wave here. Whereas, in America, about 8 thousand people lose their lives every year due to heat wave.

cities are burning

On May 17, the maximum temperature recorded in Najafgarh of the country’s capital Delhi was 47.4 degrees Celsius. On May 17, it was no hotter anywhere in the country. According to the Meteorological Department, on May 17, Delhi experienced such severe heat after 14 years. Sirsa in Haryana was at second place, where the mercury reached 47.1 degrees Celsius. The situation has become such that the Meteorological Department has also issued an orange alert regarding deadly heat wave in Haryana, Punjab, East Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Gujarat.

How do people die due to heat wave?

The human body is made in such a way that it can withstand heat and cold only to a certain extent. If the temperature is above 42 degrees Celsius during summer and hot winds are blowing, then you should stay indoors. In such a situation, if you go out of the house and remain exposed to sunlight for a long time, your body temperature will start increasing rapidly due to the hot winds and sunlight.

When the blood gets hot, you will have difficulty in breathing and then the blood pressure will start decreasing. After this, gradually your body parts will stop working and you will die after some time. That is why it is said that when there is heat wave outside, stay at home. Try to do all your outside work before 10 am or after 6 pm.

read this also: Biopiracy: Be it America or Europe… now we will not be able to steal the traditional knowledge of Indians.

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