Most Of The Indian Users Are In The Favor Of USB TYPE-C As Standard Charging Port

The central government’s plan to adopt USB Type-C as the standard charging port for electronic products like smartphones and tablets by March 2025 has been supported by 90 percent of the country’s users. This thing has come to the fore in a report. According to a report by online community platform LocalCircles, seven out of 10 consumers believe that different chargers for different devices enable companies to sell more accessories.

The aim is to reduce e-waste

According to the report, only six percent of consumers said that the current system is fine, where different smartphones and tablets have different charging cables, irrespective of the company. India is likely to soon adopt the recommendations of a consumer affairs committee on common charging ports to reduce the number of chargers per household to reduce e-waste. The European Union has already decided to adopt such a system by June 2025.

Must have same USB charging cable

As per reports, the recommendations have been sent by the Department of Consumer Affairs to Deity, which is likely to notify the framework soon. It has been said in the report that 78 percent of the consumers should have the same USB charging cable (standard charging cable) for all smartphones and tablets. The findings suggest that most Indian consumers are unhappy that devices such as smartphones and tablets have different charging cables, and believe that brands do so to increase sales of accessories. Since branded charging cables cost more, most people end up buying generic versions.

It is believed that in the coming days there will be only one type of charger (standard charging port) in the country. However, at present, the market for cheap chargers in India is also huge. Such chargers are also imported in large numbers from outside countries.

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