most powerful women in the world see list and all details

The world’s most powerful women: Women have made an important contribution to the world, He separated,have made significant contributions in different fields, whether it’s business, be politics, art or any other field, Even when women went out of the house, they brought glory to themselves and their country and when they stayed at home, they took care of their home, In such a situation, let us know who are the five most powerful women in the world according to Forbes,

These are the most powerful women in the world

Forbes every year 100 Prepares a list of the most powerful women, global affairs in which, Business, His influence in philanthropy and other fields is reflected in his, Year 2023 In 2015 also Forbes released this list and told about the most powerful women in the world, So let’s go to the top today 5 Know about women,

Ursula von der Leyen

Ursula von der Leyen has etched her name in history as the first female president of the European Commission, which is the executive branch of the European Union, Let me tell you that July 2019 He has handled very difficult political situations since he assumed office in 1993, By which 450 The lives of over one million Europeans have been affected, This is why Forbes has 2023 She was ranked first in the list of the world’s most powerful women in 2015,

Christine Lagarde

1 november2019 Christine Lagarde to the European Central Bank ,ECB, became the first woman chief of, which was a historic moment for both the institution and global finance, He played a key role in shaping European monetary policy as well as, Ensured economic growth in a high inflation environment,

Before his leadership at the ECB, Christine said 2011 From 2019 to the International Monetary Fund ,The IMF, worked as the managing director of, With this, she also became the first woman to hold this post., During his tenure, he, Expertly navigated the global financial landscape and guided the IMF through urgent economic challenges, Due to her special contribution, Forbes placed her at second place in the list of the world’s strongest women,

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris of Indian origin 20 January2021 Who is the first woman to become Vice President of the United States, He is also the first black person and the first South Asian,She has registered her name in American history as an American, He has recorded his name in the history of America by doing this for the first time., In which he overcame all the difficulties and achieved his goal, This is the reason why Kamala Harris got the third place among the top five women in the world,

Georgia Meloni

22 october2022 On 23 May 2017, Giorgia Meloni made history by becoming the Prime Minister of Italy, It marked an important milestone for women in Italian politics and leadership around the world, As PM, he took many important decisions for Italy, His political journey was full of difficulties, This is why Forbes 2023 She is ranked fourth in the list of most powerful women in the world,

Taylor Swift

In this list, veteran artist Taylor Swift has 5got the th place, october 2023 In, Taylor Swift made history as the first musician to become a billionaire through her music and performance, that business, She is full of music and special talent, This is the reason why she has been ranked fifth among the most powerful women in the world,

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