Mother and daughter were looking at old photos, saw a logo in the portrait, when they paid attention they found evidence of time travel

There are many pictures in the world that claim to show time travel. These pictures were taken a long time ago. But people see things in them that are not from that time or era. Rather, these things are from today’s era. In such a situation, a debate starts among people that how did this thing reach that era? Questions start being asked whether the person who has that thing was a time traveler? Something similar happened with a mother and daughter when they saw a logo on a child’s shoe in a portrait in London’s National Gallery which was from today’s era. Similar questions came to their mind then.

Portrait of a Boy, a work of art by 17th-century Dutch master Ferdinand Bol, shows an eight-year-old boy posing with a cup at a table covered in a red cloth. A closer look at the portrait reveals something strange.

The shoes feature a white Nike swoosh, despite being made centuries ago since the iconic brand was founded in 1964. Fiona Foskett, 57, spotted the vintage shoes during a trip to a London gallery with her daughter Holly, 23.

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