Motivational Quotes Shri Krishna Updesh Tips For Successful Life Know Safalta Ki Kunji

Safalta Ki Kunji, Motivational Thoughts In Hindi: The essence of life is in Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. Along with this, many secrets of achieving success are hidden in it. In the war of Mahabharata, Lord Krishna narrated the teachings of the Gita to Arjuna, due to which the Pandavas succeeded in defeating the Kaurava army.

The mantra of success is included in these teachings given by Shri Krishna in the Gita. The one who has taken these teachings in life, no one can stop him from achieving success. When Arjuna was confused during the Mahabharata war, Shri Krishna gave him many teachings. These teachings of Krishna have been called the basic mantra of success, which every person must know.

These 3 teachings of Shri Krishna are the key to success

anger control

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In one of the verses told by Krishna in Gita sermon, he has told to control anger. The reason for this is that when a person is in anger, he can get confused. Because anger creates confusion. In this situation the distinction between right and wrong ends and only anger remains.

At the same time, the intellect also gets disturbed by anger and the downfall of a person begins. In order to achieve success even in the present times, there is a need to imbibe this advice of Shri Krishna in life. Today people get angry and put their lives at stake from jobs and relationships. That’s why whenever anger comes, stop for a moment and think about the consequences arising out of anger.

know the truth by giving up illusion

In the Gita, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna to try to know the truth leaving aside the attachment. Attachment is of no use. The body is mortal and will be destroyed one day. That’s why don’t hesitate to do what is better for the society and religion by leaving the attachment of the body.

Even in today’s time, one should try to know God and religion. With this, he will never go in the wrong direction and the chances of being successful will also increase.

learn from experience

In the Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that in life one should learn from one’s experiences after one’s guru. In today’s time too, there is a need to bring this thing into life. Today people often do not consider the opinion of elders and parents necessary.

The age and stage you are at, your elders have faced those situations years ago. That’s why move forward by learning from their experiences. With this, you will be aware of the obstacles coming in the way of the goal and by solving them, you will be able to reach the goal easily.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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