Muscle Recovery Foods Include These Food Items In Your Diet To Recover Break Up Muscles After Workout Or Any Physical Activity

Muscle Recovery Foods: Workout is necessary to keep the body fit and fine. After working out or playing sports, the body needs some rest to regain its strength. That’s why it is also said that after doing sports one must rest for a few minutes. It is common for muscles to break when a person does exercise or sports. Because of this sometimes pain also occurs. Today, through this article, know which superfoods you can consume for fast recovery of muscles.

In an interview, certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist Abhinav Mahajan suggested some superfoods to include in the diet for faster muscle recovery. know about them


All fitness experts recommend eating watermelon after a workout. This is a post workout meal. During workouts, sweat comes out from the body, due to which there is a lack of water. After exercising, consuming watermelon is best to meet the lack of water in the body. Watermelon contains about 92% water which is sufficient to keep the body hydrated. Many vitamins and minerals are also found in it, which recover the broken muscles faster.

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One cup of spinach contains about 5 grams of protein. Spinach contains anti-inflammatory vitamins like vitamins A, B and C, which help in faster muscle recovery after a workout.

citrus fruits

Citrus fruits help muscles recover faster and reduce inflammation. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits which maintains bone health. You can consume tomatoes, kiwi, grapes, oranges etc. for the recovery of muscles.


The best food item for muscle recovery is fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in good amounts in fish, which helps in inflammation of muscles and their recovery. There are a few different types of fish that you can eat for muscle recovery. It includes rohu, hilsa, bangda and paplet etc.


We do not need to tell much about bananas. Because all those who are fitness freaks definitely eat bananas. Bananas contain antioxidants like fiber, potassium, folate and vitamin C which are beneficial for the body including muscle recovery.

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