Must Avoid These Spices In Summer Otherwise There Can Be Many Damages To The Health Along With The Stomach.

Health Tips: In the Indian kitchen, you will find more than one spice which is used to improve the taste of food. There are many people among us who find the taste of food without spices to be bland, there are some people who use spices in excess. If you are also among those people, then be careful in summer or limit its consumption. Otherwise you may fall ill. Many of these spices are very hot, due to which the possibility of increasing heat in the body increases and you may have to face many problems related to health. Let us know which spices should be avoided in summer.

Red chili powder- People who eat spicy food use red chili powder a lot in their food. Eating excessively spicy food in summer can be harmful for you. In such a situation, you should avoid the use of red chillies, otherwise abdominal pain, chest discomfort can increase, body temperature can also increase significantly and this will have a bad effect on your overall health.

Garlic- There are many benefits of eating garlic, but the effect of garlic is hot. If eaten in excess of this, the body temperature may increase. Due to this, there is a risk of acid reflux and increase in stomach heat, in such a situation, you should consume garlic in limited quantity.

Ginger-Ginger is considered very good for health. Often people recommend drinking ginger tea when there is a cough, cold, but if you consume ginger in large quantities during the day in summer, then you may have to face problems like vomiting, stomach irritation, constipation, diarrhea. .

Celery- Ajwain is such a spice in the Indian kitchen that gives you many benefits. It also helps in weight loss and fat burning. Consuming celery is also very beneficial in the problem of gas, but consuming it excessively can also spoil the stomach. Eating more celery can increase the body temperature.

Turmeric –Consume turmeric also in limited quantity in summer, because the effect of turmeric is also hot, which can cause digestive disorders like bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

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