Mustard Cultivation Tips Know How Farmers Can Earn Profit

Mustard Farming Tips: Farmer brothers in India grow many crops. Today we are going to tell you about the cultivation of such a crop. In which less hard work is required and earning is more. Let us know what is that thing which requires less effort in cultivation and earns a lot. Today we are talking about mustard cultivation.

Mustard is produced on a large scale in the country. Besides, it is also used as oil, spices and fertilizer. Mustard cultivation requires good soil, right time, and proper care. Talking about soil, sandy loam soil is most suitable for mustard cultivation. This soil is light and friable, due to which water and air can drain easily. Mustard can be cultivated in all types of soils, but its yield is less in heavy and clayey soils.

what is the right time

Mustard is cultivated in autumn. The best time for sowing is between September to October. At this time the temperature is between 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, which is suitable for mustard. Seeds of improved varieties should be used for its cultivation. These varieties have high disease resistance and their yield is also high.

How is sowing done?

Mustard is sown in rows. The distance of rows should be kept 20 to 25 cm and the distance of plants should be kept 5 to 7 cm. The rate of 1 kg seed per acre is sufficient for sowing.

how to irrigate

Mustard crop needs irrigation for good yield. The first irrigation should be done after 10 to 15 days after sowing. After this, irrigation should be continued as per requirement. There is more infestation of weeds in mustard cultivation. To prevent weeds, weeding should be done once 25 to 30 days after sowing. This crop ripens in 120 to 130 days.

Keep these things in mind

  • Use good quality seeds.
  • Sow at the right time.
  • Select good soil.
  • Irrigate as per need.
  • Prevent weeds and diseases from time to time.

Also read- Farmers must do these things to get the benefits of PM Kisan Yojana.

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