Mystery Of Shadows Of Hiroshima For 77 Years No One Knows Whose Shadow Is This

Shadows Of Hiroshima: There are many such mysterious things in the world, knowing about which everyone is surprised. You know that everything has a shadow. But, today we will tell you about such a shadow, which remains a mystery till date. For the last more than 77 years no one knows whose shadow it is. Hiroshima, located in Japan, is the city in the world where the first atomic bomb was dropped. This historic event took place on August 6, 1945. This bomb was dropped by America. At one place in this city, there is a mysterious shadow that looks like a human being. It has been 77 years, but till today it is not known whose shadow it was.

the secret is the shadow

This shadow is known as ‘The Hiroshima Steps Shadow’ or ‘Shadows of Hiroshima’. During the Second World War, millions of people died in the blink of an eye in the atomic attack on Hiroshima. This picture of the shadow was taken at a distance of 850 feet from the blast site, where a person was sitting. It is said that the atomic bomb destroyed that person completely but could not erase his shadow. Even till date, the reality of this shadow could not be identified that who was that person, who was sitting there. It is still a mystery till now.

so many people died

According to an estimate, about 1 lakh 40 thousand people died in the nuclear attack on Hiroshima. When the explosion took place, fierce energy came out of it and it is said that 80 thousand people were killed because of its heat. Later, thousands of people also died due to nuclear radiation related diseases.

Little boy was the name of the bomb

The atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima was named ‘Little Boy’. Its weight was about 4400 kg. It is said that due to its eruption, heat of up to 4,000 degree Celsius was generated at the ground level. Where the human body can tolerate heat only up to 50 to 55 degree Celsius, it was impossible for anyone to survive in such a high temperature.

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