Mythological Story Of Dacoit Angulimala Know How To Become Monk Or Saint After Meet Gautam Buddha Astro Special

Inspirational Stories of Lord Buddha: Everyone knows the dreaded dacoit of Shravasti by the name of ‘Angulimal’, who kills people and wears garlands by cutting off their fingers. But his childhood name was not Angulimal, nor was he of violent nature since childhood. Rather, he was a misguided scholar Brahmin, who had to cut off his finger after killing people due to the curse of his Guru, and hence he was named Angulimal.

Angulimala’s childhood name was ‘Ahimsak’ (Gautam Buddha Stories In Hindi)

Angulimala was named ‘Ahimsak’. It is said that Ahimsak was born at the house of the Rajpurohit of the Prasenjit court of King Kosala. Since his birth, there was only joy in the whole house. But according to tradition, when everyone went to the astrologer to get the horoscope of the child made, they were surprised to hear the predictions.

Rajjyotishi told that the inauspicious yoga in which a child is born, such people become dacoits or murderers. Hearing this, the ground shook under everyone’s feet. Then the family members, taking the support of age-old arguments, decided that why not name the child ‘Ahimsak’. If he is called by this name again and again, then the feeling of violence will never come in his mind.

Why did Acharya curse the non-violent

Since childhood, Ahimsak was brilliant and clever in learning, understanding and reading. He was ahead of his other colleagues in all matters. Not only the teacher but also the teacher’s wife i.e. Gurumata was pleased with his qualities and treated him kindly. Because of this, some of Ahimsak’s colleagues started getting jealous of him.

Everyone used to try to engage with non-violent, but the victory is of non-violent. Then one day his companions made a plan to humiliate Ahimsak and in order to create hatred towards Ahimsak in Acharya’s mind, said that Ahimsak keeps evil eye towards Gurumata.

Hearing this, Acharya ji’s anger could not be controlled and he said to Ahimsak that, you do not have the ability to be called the son of a Brahmin. Acharya ordered Ahimsak that your final education will be complete only when you bring back the fingers of hundred people by cutting them and only then you will get Diksha. Acharya’s order non-violently followed it religiously and became a murderer.

how the dacoit angulimala became non-violent

Non-violent is called dacoit Angulimala. Because on the orders of Acharya, after killing people, he started cutting their fingers. He went to the forest of Shravasti and started killing people. He used to cut off the fingers of all the murders he used to make and thread them into garlands, so that the murders could be counted and the fingers would not disappear. Because of this he got the name of Angulimala.

Angulimala became a monk after meeting Gautam Buddha

It is said that when there was a fear of Angulimala in Shravasti, Lord Gautam Buddha had come here to do his rainy season. People told Gautam Buddha about the terror of Angulimala. But keeping silence, they went towards the forest. Then a voice came from behind, ‘Stop, where is he going?’

Buddha stopped and looking back, Angulimala was standing and a garland of fingers of dead people was hanging around his neck. Buddha was calm and simple even after seeing his scary form. Buddha said in a sweet voice – ‘I have stopped, when will you stop?’

Seeing Buddha’s fearlessness and sharpness on his face, Angulimala said – ‘O Sanyasi! Aren’t you afraid of me? See, I have killed people and worn a garland of their fingers.’

Buddha said – ‘What to be afraid of you, if you have to be afraid then be afraid of the one who is really powerful.’ Angulimala said on this – ‘I can cut off the heads of ten people at once.’

Buddha said – ‘If you are really strong, then go and pluck ten leaves from the tree.’ Angulimala immediately plucked the leaves from the tree and said- ‘If you tell me what’s in it, I will uproot the whole tree.’

Buddha said-‘ There is no need to uproot the tree. If you are really strong, then add these broken leaves back to the tree. Angulimala said on this – ‘How can broken leaves be joined.’

Buddha said very simply – ‘How did you get the right to break the thing which you cannot join?’

If you can’t join a man’s head, then what is the bravery in chopping it off. Hearing this, Angulimal was shocked and said to Buddha, take me under your shelter. Saying this, Angulimala threw his sword into the river and fell at the feet of the Buddha. Lord Buddha initiated Angulimala by saying ‘Aa Bhikshu’. This was the miracle of Lord Buddha, due to which Angumila became a monk.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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