NASA revealed – this is how humans will live on Mars, pictures from bedroom to bathroom went viral

Science has progressed a lot. Not only are the mysteries of this earth solved with the help of science, but the activities of space are also monitored. Many people believe that the way humans live on earth, there will be some other planet where aliens will live. If that planet is known, then man can also make preparations to live there. Many reasons account for this. The temperature of the earth is increasing continuously. In such a situation, scientists are looking for a backup planet.

According to scientists, if this backup planet is found, then it is the silver of human beings. Now-a-days the news of the end of the earth comes to the fore. Along with this, all kinds of problems are also coming from global warming. If such a planet is found in which humans can live, then every problem can be solved. For humans to settle, it is very important to have oxygen and water on that planet. In the search so far, the name of Mars is at the top of this list. Now NASA has shown in pictures that how and where will humans live on Mars?

workroom will look like this

built similar house
NASA has created the experience of the same planet on Earth for those living on Mars. His astronauts will be the first to go to live on Mars. NASA has created this experience for their practice on the earth itself. It is completely made with the feeling of home so that people do not feel any kind of deficiency. His life would revolve around four rooms, inside which would include bricks, greenhouses and lots of red soil.

photo of bathroom

pictures like this
NASA shared the pictures of this house. This house has been built under the new plan of NASA. This plan has been named Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog. In this plan of NASA, a person will stay on Mars for a whole year. The model of this house going to be built on Mars has been made on Earth in NASA’s research base Houston Texas. Its first trial will happen this year itself. In which the physical and mental health of the people going to Mars will be thoroughly tested. NASA shared the pictures of this house. In this, the living room looked like a control room. After seeing the bathroom, it looked like a hotel bathroom. The pictures of this Mars mission of NASA are going viral.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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