National Dengue Day 2024 World Health Organization announced the prequalification of a second vaccine for dengue

Today is National Dengue Day (National Dengue Day 2024). Every year 16th May is celebrated as National Dengue Day. On this special day, ‘World Health Organization’ has made a special announcement regarding dengue vaccine. The announcement said that prequalification of the second vaccine for dengue named TAK-003, made by Japanese drug manufacturer Takeda Pharmaceuticals, has been announced.

WHO approves new dengue vaccine

The World Health Organization (WHO) has prequalified the second dengue vaccine made by Japanese drugmaker Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Which is known as TAK-003. Dengue is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. There are many countries all over the world which are still struggling with dengue disease. Every year more than 10 to 40 crore people fall victim to dengue. Asia, Africa and America are dengue affected countries.

Many dengue cases are increasing rapidly in the year 2023. According to WHO, 45 lakh cases have been reported in America alone. Out of that, 2 thousand 300 people had died. The biggest reason for this is climate change and urbanization.

Vaccine will be given to children aged 6-16 years

According to WHO, in areas where the number of dengue patients is high, children aged 6-16 years have been asked to use Tak-003. Two doses of the vaccine have been fixed. There will be a gap of three months between vaccinations. According to Dr. Rogerio Gaspar, WHO’s Director of Regulation and Prequalification, this special step has been taken to make the prequalification of TAK-003 available to the entire world. This vaccine can now be purchased by ‘United Nations agencies’ including UNICEF and PAHO. So far two dengue vaccines have been approved. We hope that more dengue vaccines will be made in the coming days.

WHO’s prequalification list also includes the CYD-TDV vaccine developed by Sanofi Pasteur against dengue. Dengue is a vector-borne disease that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Dengue disease spreads from one person to another.

dengue affected area

According to statistics, every year there are more than 100-400 million cases of dengue worldwide and 3.8 billion people live in dengue affected countries. Most of which are in Asia, Africa and America. The highest number of dengue cases was recorded in 2023.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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