Never eat these things with bitter gourd, poison will become in the body

Never eat these things with bitter gourd, poison will become in the bodyNever eat these things with bitter gourd, poison will become in the body

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Foods to avoid with bitter gourd: The taste of bitter gourd is bitter. There are some such elements found in it, which can react in the body in a negative way in eating with some things. This can harm health …Read more

Never consume milk, dairy products with bitter gourd.


  • Do not eat sweet fruits with bitter gourd.
  • Do not eat bitter gourd with milk or dairy products.
  • Do not add honey or strong spices to the bitter gourd.

Why Foods Must Not Eat With Karela: Bitter gourd is a vegetable that most people do not like to eat. Of course, bitter gourd is very bitter in taste, but not only does the blood clean the blood, but health has many benefits. Bitter gourd is a panacea in diabetes, because it does not allow sugar level to be high. By the way, you will make bitter gourd in many ways, but it should be avoided with some things, because the nutrients, tastes in it can react in a negative way with some things. Let us know which bitter gourd should be avoided by pairing with which foods.

Never eat bitter gourd with these foods (Foods to avoid pairing with bitter gourd in hindi)

– Sweet fruits should not be consumed with currents. According to a report published in TOI, while eating bitter gourd, you should avoid consuming sweet fruits like mangoes, bananas etc. Since, bitter gourd is bitter. If you eat sweet fruits, then the bitter and sweet taste will not only spoil the food test, but the stomach will also be damaged.

– Milk or dairy products should never be consumed with bitter gourd recipes. Gourd food with milk changes flavor, flavor, texture. When you eat milk or any other dairy products with bitter bitter gourd, it can cause harmful reaction. Also, the food test also deteriorates.

– Some people mix honey to improve the taste of bitter bitter gourd, so that its bitterness is reduced. It comes to sweetness, but it is also wrong to do so. Never cook honey in bitter gourd or else it can cause toxin in the body.

– The taste of bitter gourd is as bitter, so do not add strong whole spices to it. Do not put standing spices like cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg, cloves in any of the bitter gourd recipes or else the taste and spicy, bitter and it will not be edible.

– Do not cook or eat the bitter gourd with those foods in which the acid quantity is high. It includes citrus fruits, vegetables. For example, if you eat tomatoes with bitter gourd, its bitterness can be even more intense. The acidic component increases the bitterness of bitter gourd even more, reacting negatively towards it. This can also spoil the taste.

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Never eat these things with bitter gourd, poison will become in the body

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