Never wore a hat, did not apply sunscreen, as a result there were wounds all over the head, even the doctor was surprised to see

Summer is about to come. People have just started adopting prevention methods at home. But wait. If you go out. Be careful if you spend a lot of time in the sun. Otherwise, like this person, you will also regret. Leigh Raschau, a resident of Australia, worked outside the home most of the time. Never wore a cap or scarf. Did not apply sunscreen. As a result, there were deep wounds all over the head, seeing which even the doctors were surprised.

According to the New York Post report, Leah Raschau has around 200 wounds all over her head. It seems that the entire head is full of wounds. When he showed it to the doctor, he too was surprised. When examined, it was found that it was skin cancer. This type of cancer occurs when exposed to sunlight, which is called melanoma. Talking to ABC, he said, the cancer had reached the bones of my head. Even the skull had to be removed. And a titanium plate was placed in its place. After this, infection occurred between the titanium plate and my brain. Bleeding started in the brain. Later it had to be repaired again.

nothing left in their head
Leah Raschau’s condition has become such that now there is nothing left in her head. Now doctors cannot even do surgery on his head. Because they fear that if they do so, radiation may spread, which may even result in their death. Research says that cannabis affects the growth of melanoma cells. Does not allow them to grow. This is a fatal form, which can also be fatal.

Melanoma, a rare skin cancer
Melanoma is a rare skin cancer, which causes a large number of deaths. It spreads quite fast. In Australia, since the sun’s rays hit the head directly, people there face more problems due to the sun’s rays. You will be surprised to know that most of the people there wear caps for this very reason. Always wear sunscreen. Every year, more than 13,000 people are diagnosed with melanoma infection here.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news

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