New beginning from new year.. Say Tata to useless or spam mails by applying filter in your Gmail account

Gmail Filter Feature: We do many professional things with Gmail. From bank transaction details to job offer letters, we get them with the help of email. In such a situation, when useless or spam emails start coming, then there is a fear of losing the work mails. Well, it is a bit easy to find useful emails in so many emails. Gmail’s filter feature is an effective way to avoid spam emails. This feature helps users to archive or delete emails which are not necessary. You can also filter the emails coming to your Gmail with the help of this feature. Let’s know its process.

Gmail filter process

  • Click on the gear icon in the search bar on the right corner of the Gmail inbox.
  • Fill the menu opened in front according to you.
  • Click Create Filter.
  • Now emails will be opened after filtering on the basis of your filled details.

You can filter messages by date, size, sender name, subject press, and more. Here the details of all the options appearing in the menu are given.

  • From : to find emails from a specific address
  • to: To find emails sent to a specific address
  • Subject: to search email from subject
  • Have the words : to search for specific words in an email
  • Doesn’t have : to exclude words from an email
  • size : to find emails of a specific size
  • date within : to find emails from a specific date
  • search: to search within a specific label or folder

Using these options, you can easily filter emails of any particular work.

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