Nirjala Ekadashi 2023 Date These Works Should Not Be Done On Nirjala Ekadashi

Nirjala Ekadashi 2023 Date These Works Should Not Be Done On Nirjala EkadashiNirjala Ekadashi 2023 Date These Works Should Not Be Done On Nirjala Ekadashi

Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Date: Nirjala Ekadashi is considered to be of special importance in all Ekadashi in Hinduism. Nirjala Ekadashi is considered the best among all the Ekadashis of the year. Lord Vishnu is quickly pleased by fasting on Nirjala Ekadashi and showers his blessings on the devotees. This time Nirjala Ekadashi fast will be observed on 31st May. There are some special rules on this day, if not followed, the blessings of Lord Vishnu are not received. Let us know which work is considered inauspicious on this day and should not be done at all.

Do not do this work on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi

    • Nirjala Ekadashi fast is observed without water, but even if you are not able to keep Nirjala fast, you should not eat rice even by mistake on this day. It is believed that by eating rice on this day, insects are born in the form of spiders in the next life.

  • Salt should not be eaten on this day even by mistake. Eating salt destroys the fruits of Ekadashi and Jupiter. Lentils, radish, brinjal, onion, garlic, turnip, cabbage and beans should also not be consumed on this day. If you are not able to keep waterless fast, then you should eat only satvik fruits on this day.
  • If you are fasting on Nirjala Ekadashi, do not pay special attention to your food one day before the fast i.e. from the day of Dashami. Do not consume any kind of tamasik, non-vegetarian food on this day. Apart from this, stay away from alcohol and all kinds of drugs.
  • On the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, celibacy should be followed by mind, deeds and words. Water should not be offered to Tulsi on the day of Ekadashi, nor should it be touched. It is believed that Tulsi Mata also fasts on this day.
  • Don’t get into any kind of debate on this day even by mistake. One should not sleep the night before the fast and the whole night of the fast. Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi are worshiped by staying awake at night on both these days.
  • One should not sleep on the bed on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi. On this day, one should rest by putting a mattress on the ground. One should not wipe the house on this day. It is believed that it is blamed for killing micro-organisms.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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