{“_id”:”670627a5f95999544f0b6fe5″,”slug”:”nishad-party-cabinet-minister-sanjay-nishad-injured-in-road-accident-admitted-to-medical-college-2024-10-09″,” type”:”story”,”status”:”publish”,”title_hn”:”Pratapgarh: Cabinet Minister Sanjay Nishad injured in road accident, admitted to medical college”,”category”:{“title”:”City & states”,”title_hn”:”city-and-states”,”slug”:”city-and-states”}}
National President of Nishad Party and State Cabinet Minister Dr. Sanjay Nishad got injured in a road accident. On Wednesday he was coming to Pratapgarh to hold a review meeting. He got injured due to an accident on the way. He was hurriedly admitted to the medical college.