No matter what anyone does, the boy’s face cannot smile! It’s not a challenge, it’s a disease.

Boy Cannot Smile Due to His Weird Medical Condition: You must have seen such people, who laugh at every talk, while there are some people who smile very rarely. The child about whom we are going to tell you today, has never seen a smile on his face. It is not that he remains sad, the only problem is that he cannot laugh out loud even if he wants to because of an illness.

Usually children giggle happily on small things, but the problem of a 9-year-old boy is that no matter how happy he is, he cannot laugh openly (Child cannot laugh due to strange disease). The name of this boy living in Wales city of England is Isaac Hughes. From a young age, he is not allowed to laugh and giggle because of a strange disease. Not only this, he cannot even speak properly.

why can’t the child laugh
According to the report of Truly, Isaac has been suffering from a dangerous disease called Maebius syndrome since birth, due to which his face has been paralyzed. This disease is quite rare and probably strange too. Due to neurological disease, the nerves of the patient’s face get constricted and he becomes paralyzed. Apart from laughing and smiling, the patient also has difficulty in talking and eating. Since childhood, he had trouble eating and drinking, and by the time he was 6, Isaac could not even talk. In such a situation, he used to talk in signs instead of language. Parents have to struggle a lot to understand his words, but his brother understands Isaac’s words.

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Spoken first word at the age of 7
Jack, a victim of a disease called Moebius Syndrome, did not speak a single word in 6 years. Although he always tried, but could never speak clearly. At the age of 7, Jack spoke a few words for the first time. However, in other things he is just like a normal child. He likes to play football and spend time with his friends. However, when he wants to laugh at something, he cannot show this emotion. On such occasions his brother helps him.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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