Nomophobia Fear Of Being Without Your Mobile Phone And Digital Device

Nomophobia: If nomophobia is broken down into words, it would mean “no-mobile-phobia”. Nomophobia is a new term, which refers to the anxiety or fear of people who cannot live without their mobiles. Nomophobia is a psychological condition. People with nomophobia feel nervous, anxious and fearful when away from their smartphone or digital device. If someone has nomophobia, they will experience some physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling and rapid heartbeat when away from a digital device or smartphone.

Nomophobia increased in recent years

The prevalence of nomophobia has been seen in recent years, as smartphones and other digital devices have become an essential part of our daily lives. Many people are using their smartphones for communication, entertainment and even for work, due to which they become so used to the smartphone that even a slight distance causes them to feel nervous, anxious and fearful.

Is nomophobia a mental health disorder?

Nomophobia is not yet officially considered a mental health disorder. However, it can have a very dangerous effect on a person’s life. This can affect relationships, work and social activities. The anxiety or depression caused by this can also affect mental health.

remedies for nomophobia

The good news is that there is a way to avoid nomophobia. If you are experiencing anxiety or fear when separated from your smartphone or digital device, try to gradually reduce your dependence on that phone or device. Fix a time and use your device only in that limited time. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to relieve stress and anxiety, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with friends and family. Doing so can help you disconnect from your device and reduce your dependence on it. Also, if you are experiencing severe anxiety or distress related to nomophobia, see a mental health specialist.

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