Nose bleeding can be a symptom of this serious disease, never ignore it.

Nose bleeding can be a symptom of this serious disease, never ignore it.Nose bleeding can be a symptom of this serious disease, never ignore it.

High blood pressure is a common problem in which the blood pressure in the blood vessels becomes high. Sometimes due to high blood pressure, bleeding starts from the nose. When the blood pressure becomes high, there is pressure on the veins of the nose and they start bursting. Because of this, blood starts flowing from the nose. This bleeding from the nose is considered a serious symptom of high blood pressure. High blood pressure should never be ignored. This can cause serious problems like heart disease and stroke. Let us know its other symptoms…

Having a headache 
There are many symptoms of high blood pressure, but headache is the most common and first symptom. When a person has high BP, the first thing he starts feeling is headache. This headache can sometimes occur on one side of the head, sometimes in the entire head, or occasionally. Some people have the problem of headache after waking up in the morning, while some people keep feeling headache several times throughout the day. The reason for this headache is that when BP increases, there is pressure on the arteries going to the brain, which causes headache. In such a situation, headache should not be taken lightly and high BP should be checked immediately.

Among the many symptoms of high blood pressure, dizziness is also a common symptom. When the level of blood pressure in the body increases, there is pressure on the arteries going to the brain. Due to this, adequate blood circulation does not occur in the brain and the person starts feeling dizzy. Sometimes there is a risk of a person falling due to severe dizziness. Along with this dizziness, one may also experience heaviness and lightheadedness. 

Strange sounds in the ears
Many people start hearing strange sounds in the ears when they have high blood pressure or hypertension. Some people hear ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears, while others hear buzzing sounds in the ears. These sounds are heard because due to high blood pressure, blood starts flowing faster and harder in the arteries of the ear. 

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