Nostradamus Dangerous Predictions 2023 World War 3 Fire Will Rain From The Sky Know Its Meaning

Nostradamus Predictions 2023: Nostradamus was a famous prophet of France. He made predictions up to 3997 in his book Les Propheties. According to analysts, so far 800 of his predictions have come true. His major prediction about the year 2023 is believed to be the third world war.

the third war Of about In nostradamus Of forecast

Nostradamus has written about the prediction of the third war that “seven months of great war, people will die from bad deeds”. People are considering this as a world war. There have been two world wars so far. People are taking this prediction of Nostradamus as the third world war.

At present, the war between Russia and Ukraine has started. This war has divided the world into two groups and threats of atomic bomb causing destruction are also being given. The war is not taking the name of stopping even after the heads of government of different countries of the world and international organizations have appealed for peace. In such a situation, the prediction of third war of Nostradamus is spreading fear among the people.

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According to the prediction of Nostradamus, ‘A person carrying weapons and documents in a submarine will reach the coast of Italy and start a war. His convoy will go far. The empire will go into the wrong hands.’

According to Nostradamus about the third world war, the existence of many countries of the world will end in this world war. Those who survive in this war will start their life afresh.

New Pope Of about In nostradamus Of forecast

Nostradamus has predicted a new Pope for the year 2023. He said that Pope Francis would be the last true Pope. The subsequent Pope would make a scandal. Nostradamus wrote, Peter the Roman would be in the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church. Who will feed his flock in the midst of many tribulations. After which the seven hill city will be destroyed.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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