Not all seafood is healthy! Chemical reactions occur in the body after eating something: Study

According to a study, today’s seas are becoming dirtier day by day. The sea is full of industrial chemicals. In such a situation, eating excessive seafood can be very dangerous for health. Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These are such chemicals that once they enter the body, they gradually cause chemical reactions and increase the risk of many serious diseases in the body. 

 Researchers at the Geisel School of Medicine of Dartmouth College in the UK say that even though you are increasing the level of omega-3 in the body by eating lobster, shrimp, tuna, and other seafood, it also causes a lot of harm. According to experts from Dartmouth College in the UK, it is very important to find out how many seafoods are there that can be used. Seafoods are a great source of lean protein and omega fatty acids. But it is also a potentially underestimated source of PFAS exposure in humans.

Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin tuna is a seafood that should not be included in your diet at all. This fish is very warm blooded. You may suffer physical harm after eating it. It increases the body temperature immediately. Eating toothfish can also cause many problems in the body. Because due to this its level in the blood increases. It should be eaten only twice in a month. Because eating too much can be dangerous for health. 


Salmon fish is also called Atlantic Salmon. By eating this you can become victim of many diseases. Eating it can cause many health problems, 

Orange Roughy

It is a fish which is quite long. Lives for more than 100 years. This is a fighting fish. Eating this warms the blood. 

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