Not only for not having a ticket, you are also fined heavily for doing this in the train, know the rules

Nowadays people make many efforts to become popular on social media. In such a situation, some people do such dangerous stunts, due to which some people also lose their lives. Sometimes some people start doing stunts at railway station, train track or inside the train. But, do you know that if any person does stunts inside the train or on the track, then a case can be registered against him and he may also have to pay a fine.

Let us know about the rules of Indian Railways. Police keeps taking action against stuntmen. In such a situation, if someone is caught doing stunts at the railway station or inside the train, then a case is registered against him.

Fine and imprisonment

Action is taken against stuntmen under the Railway Act, under which they get a fine of Rs 1000 and 3 months imprisonment. According to the information, most of the boys doing stunts in trains are between 15 years to 25 years of age. According to statistics, 1903 young boys were caught doing stunts in 2010. If we talk about 2011, then within 2 days, railway police caught 55 people doing stunts.

When stunts are done in the train, other young children or teenagers present there try to do stunts after seeing them and this poses a risk of death to people. Before doing stunts anywhere, stuntmen should definitely think about their lives. Because some stunts are such that if done, people can lose their lives.

Stuntmen below 18 years of age

According to the report, if people below 18 years of age do such dangerous stunts, then strict action is taken against them and their family members are called. Most of the stuntmen are school or college going people. Let us tell you that a case can be registered against the people doing stunts under sections 147, 145, 154, 156 of the Railway Act. Railway Police has now started acting strictly against the stuntmen. Such people are fined and taken into police custody.

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