Now you can order Bundelkhand’s famous Sohan Halwa from abroad, this is the method

Report- Vikash Kumar

To tie: In today’s digital era, everyone is becoming very fond of ordering food online and people sitting in their homes order food items from their mobile and get it delivered to their homes. In such a situation, now you can order the most famous and famous Sohan Halwa from Bundelkhand not only in the state and country but also abroad through your mobile phone and get it delivered at home.

There is demand from country to abroad
We are talking about Sohan Halwa made in Bode Ram’s shop in Banda district. It is a famous sweet of Bundelkhand which is made from pure ghee. Its taste is so amazing that not only people from the country but also people from abroad like to buy it. The shop owner has provided home delivery facility to people from the country and abroad on ordering through online ordering. However, you will have to pay some extra charge for home delivery.

Shop owner gave information
Giving information, the shop owner Himanshu Gupta said that Sohan Halwa was started in Banda district by his great grandfather and the shop is named after him. The shop is about 125 years old and now people from not only the country but also abroad are ordering Sohan Halwa from our shop online. For this, they can go to our website and search Bode Ram and sweets and book the order by clicking on Sohan Halwa made from desi ghee present in our product.

Sohan Halwa is exported to 11 countries
Giving further information he said that our Sohan Halwa is available in UK, USA, Australia
It is available in every district of India including Singapore, Canada, Brunei, Malaysia, Kuwait, Qatar, Ireland. He told that he keeps getting orders for Sohan Halwa from abroad as well as the country. If we talk about its delivery, then it gets delivered within 10 to 15 days.

Tags: Local18

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