OMG! A 20 feet tall green tree burnt to ashes in minutes, villagers shocked by the incident, watch the shocking video

Sea. A shocking incident has come to light in Sagar. Where a lush green tree was burnt to ashes in the midst of heavy rain. A video of this surprising incident has also surfaced, which is from Sumreri village of Sagar. A 20 feet tree was burnt to ashes in just 5 minutes.

This is the whole matter
Actually, Sumeri village is on Sagar Bhopal Road. Here, the weather suddenly changed after noon, dark clouds covered the sky. Drizzling rain started. In a short while, it started raining heavily. Winds started blowing, everyone was in their homes to avoid the rain. Then lightning flashed and the villagers heard a loud bang. It seemed as if a cloud had burst. People got scared by this sound. After about 5-7 minutes, people came out with umbrellas and saw that the palm tree near Hanuman Singh’s house was on fire. Flames were coming out of the lush green tree. Its sparks were falling down on the ground. Everyone was surprised to see the fire in the tree in the pouring rain, but people had understood that the tree caught fire due to lightning. In about 5 minutes, this 20 feet tall tree was burnt to ashes.

The whole village is in panic
Rajkumar Singh Lambardar told that the whole village was terrified when the sound was heard. When some people gathered courage and came out, the tree was on fire. It burned down in a few minutes. Thankfully, there was no loss of life or property. Because Hanuman Singh’s entire family was just a few feet away from where the lightning struck. His cow and buffalo were in the cowshed. Apart from this, the houses of the people of the locality are also built there. It was God’s grace that no one got even a single burn.

FIRST PUBLISHED : August 21, 2024, 13:03 IST

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