OMG! Doctor’s wonder… Joined hand severed from shoulder, girl said thank you doctor uncle

Report: Anjali Singh Rajput

Lucknow: Doctors of the Department of Plastic Surgery of Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences on Monday added color to the life of a ten-year-old girl by reconnecting her severed hand from her shoulder. Due to the efforts of the doctors, the child was saved from becoming disabled. On February 23, the right hand of a 10-year-old girl living in Nigonha area was completely amputated below the shoulder due to getting stuck in an oil extraction machine.

The child’s family immediately took him to the Apex Trauma Center of PGI. Where its treatment started. Here the team of doctors of plastic surgery and anesthesia closely examined the patient and his amputated right hand. After necessary tests, he was immediately shifted to the operation theatre. The amputated hand was brought to the operation theater and cleaned. After this, preparations were started to join the severed hand. After the surgery only the amputated hand of the girl child was monitored regularly.

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Necessary injections and medicines were given
The girl was admitted to the ICU for 48 hours and her dressing was done daily. Apart from this, other necessary injections and medicines were given. The girl was shifted to PMSSY after complete bleeding in the severed hand. He was discharged after a few days. At the moment, now the hand of the girl has started working completely and she is healthy. This information has been released on Monday by PGI spokesperson Kusum Yadav.

operation lasted three hours
Plastic surgery department doctors and anesthesiologists were involved in joining the girl’s hand. This complicated operation lasted four hours. The team of plastic surgeon Dr. Ankur Bhatnagar performed this operation with Micro Vascular Surgery technique. A lot of blood had flowed due to the cut of the hand. That’s why three units of blood was also given to the girl child.

These doctors did surgery
Prof. Ankur Bhatnagar, Dr. Anupama Singh, Dr. Rajeev Bharti of Department of Plastic Surgery, Senior Residents Dr. Tanjum Kamboj, Dr. Bhupesh Gogia, Dr. Gautam, Dr. Keshav of Ortho, Dr. Siddharth, Anesthesia of Trauma and Intensive The care team included Dr. Prateek, Dr. Vansh, Dr. Rafat, Dr. Suruchi along with the OT team and the resident staff of the ICU.

What to do if any part of the body is cut
First of all, keep the cut part in a clean cloth and immediately put it in ice water.
Tie a clean cloth or make a dressing on the cut area.
Go to the nearest hospital without any delay, where transplant facility is available.
The golden period to join the severed limb is only 6-8 hours.

Tags: Lucknow News, UP news

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