OMG! On the day of honeymoon, the bride made this request to the groom, the matter reached the Panchayat, know what was the matter

Report: Piyush Sharma

You must have heard and seen many news of quarrels in marriages. But today we are going to tell you the news of such a quarrel after marriage. After listening to which you will also press your finger under your teeth. Let us tell you that a unique case has come to light from a district of UP. Here in the honeymoon it has become difficult for the groom not to fulfill the bride’s request.

Due to not getting the amount as per the wish of the new bride, the situation had come to break the house settled here. You must be finding this matter strange. But the groom was left sweating to convince his bride.

Demanded 20 thousand rupees

The whole matter is of Moradabad Dilari police station area. A young man from this village had married a girl from a nearby village about a week back. Both the parties spent a lot in the marriage. There was a dispute between the newly married couple at that time. When the groom reached the bride on the honeymoon.

It is being told here that the wife confronted her husband but demanded twenty thousand rupees. And the groom Raja offered to give seven thousand rupees. Which the bride refused to take. What was it then, on the very first night of the marriage both of them got determined and the dispute started.

sweated to persuade the wife

After this, the bride went to her maternal home for the ritual of pug pheras. After coming home, the girl told her relatives about this and refused to go back to her in-laws house. After this, the information about the matter was given to the husband of the bride. The in-laws got worried due to the anger of the new daughter-in-law.

People from both sides and the groom made every possible effort to convince the bride. But she stuck to her point. Seeing that the matter was developing, a panchayat was called in the matter. Many people explained to the bride. After a long negotiation, the matter was resolved and the girl agreed to go to her in-laws house with her husband.

Tags: Moradabad News, Uttar pradesh news

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