Omkar is the form of Trinity, know the classical significance of ‘Om’ which is most used in mantras.

Omkar is the form of Trinity, know the classical significance of ‘Om’ which is most used in mantras.Omkar is the form of Trinity, know the classical significance of ‘Om’ which is most used in mantras.

We all must have observed that whenever we read any Veda or Beej Mantra, most of the mantras start with Om. The two most powerful mantras of Lord Shiva are Panchakshar (Om Namah Shivay) and Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Om Trimbakam Yajamahe Sugandhi Pushtivardhanam Urvarukamiv Bandhananmrityormukshiya Mamritat – short) both start with Om. The most powerful mantra of Lord Vishnu, Narayan Kavach (Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya) also starts with Om. Let us know the meaning of Om, which is most used in mantras, from the classical evidence.

Form of Omkar

According to the statement of Agni Purana 372, the entire Vedas are situated in Om. Whatever is the subject of speech, everything is Pranav (Om), hence Pranav should be practiced (this is under Swadhyaya). ‘Pranav’ i.e. ‘Omkar’ has Akar, Ukaar and Ardhamatra specific Makar. Three quantities, earth, three worlds, three qualities, waking dream and deep sleep – These three states and Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – These three gods are Pranav forms. Brahma, Vishnu, Skanda, Devi and Maheshwar, Shri and Vasudev, all these are the forms of Omkar respectively.

Omkar is devoid of quantities or contains infinite quantities. He is the one who has renounced duality and is the embodiment of Shiva. Similarly, the Supreme Brahma present in the idiot also keeps spreading his knowledgeable light within. Man should meditate on the soul or Brahma situated in the lotus of the heart with his mind and always keep chanting Pranav with his tongue (this is ‘Ishwar Pranidhan’). ‘Pranav’ is the bow, ‘Jeevatma’ is the arrow and ‘Brahm’ is its is called the target. One should be careful in hitting that target and should become absorbed in it like an arrow. This single letter (Pranava) itself is Brahma, this single letter is the supreme element, by knowing this single letter Brahma, whatever thing he desires, he gets it. Goddess Gayatri is the verse of this Pranav, Antaryami is the sage, God is the God and it is used for enjoyment and attainment of salvation.  The one who knows such Omkar is a sage, not anyone else.

Pranava’s Chaturthi Matra (which is famous as Ardha Matra) is called ‘Gandhari’. When used it results in stupor. He is the famous Parabrahma by the name ‘Turiya’. He is luminous. Just as a lamp placed inside a pot shines light there, in the same way the Supreme Brahma present in the foolish person also keeps spreading his knowledgeable light within. The method of its body trust is as follows – ‘Om Bhooh Agnyatmane Hridayay Namah.’ – Touch the heart with this mantra. “Om Bhuvah Prajapatyaatmane Swaha from the head.” Saying this, touch the head. “Om Swah Sarvatmane Shikhaayai Vashat.” – Touch the Shikha with this mantra.

Now Kavach is said – “Om Bhurbhuvah Swah Satyaatmane Kavachay Hum.” With this mantra, cover the base of the left arm with the fingers of the right hand and the base of the right arm with the fingers of the left hand. Touch with. After this, pinch again by saying “Om Bhurbhuvah Swah Satyaatmane Astray Phat.”. In this way, after doing Anganyas, to attain enjoyment and salvation, worship Lord Vishnu, chant his names and perform havan of sesame seeds and ghee etc. for his purpose, all the wishes of a person are fulfilled by this. (This is God worship; it is best to perform it with selfless feelings.)

The person who chants twelve thousand Pranavs every day, gets the knowledge of Parabrahma in twelve months. By chanting one crore one gets the blessings of Anima etc., by chanting one lakh one gets the blessings of Saraswati etc. There are three types of Yajna of Lord Vishnu – Vedic, Tantrik and Mishra. Shri Hari should be worshiped by taking recourse to the desired method among the three. The man who falls on the earth like a punishment and prostrates himself before God, attains the supreme state of being which is rare through hundreds of yagyas. Only that Mahatma, who has supreme devotion towards his worshipable deity and towards his Guru as he has towards the deity, has the true knowledge of these mentioned subjects.

Importance of Om pronunciation

Om is also chanted while doing yoga and meditation. According to revered Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji, it is necessary to pronounce Om for a long time before doing Sudarshan Kriya (union of soul and God). After performing Sudarshan Kriya, all the negative energy comes out of the body. After pronouncing Om, a different energy comes into our body which is very difficult to describe. Many types of sciences are hidden in Om itself, which can only be understood by Mahatmas.

Whenever there is news of someone’s death, we say “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti” they speak. Many people say RIP these days because they are influenced by the English tradition. There are descriptions in our Veda mantras about what to say after hearing the news of death. According to Yajurveda 40.14: –

वा॒ौरनि॑लम॒मृत॒मथे॒॒दं भासम॑ऑन्त॒ꣳ शरी॑रम्. Om krto smar. Clip memory. कृत्ꣳ स्मूर.

Meaning:– The air moving at this time should attain the form of Prana Vayu Amrit (immortality). This body will be burnt to ashes in the fire. Oh Pranav form Om/Brahm (Brahm form soul), I wish for Lokadi by remembering the deeds done in childhood. Please all Sanatani people should say Om Shanti Shanti Shanti instead of RIP because this is a Vedic mantra.

Omkar is the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

    < li style="text-align: justify;">According to many scientists, the sound that resonates in space is the sound of Omkar. The entire creation is Om. Like Swastika, Om is also a symbol of Sanatan Dharma.
  • According to Devi Purana 5.1.23, ‘A’ of Omkar is the form of Brahma, ‘U’ It is the form of Vishnu, ‘M’ is the form of Lord Shiva and Ardhamatra (Chandrabindu) is the form of Bhagwati Maheshwari. These are superior to each other in successive order.
  • It is clear from all these evidences that Om is the Supreme Soul, whether we call him Shiva or Vishnu, or Jagadamba, or Surya or Ganapati. According to Advaita, we all also have Om (God), the difference is that we are unable to understand because we are affected by Maya.
  • To understand Om or Omkar, you will have to become satvik in mind and body. Emphasis will also have to be laid on yoga and meditation. Only Om will liberate you.

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