One brother attracted everyone’s attention by proposing to his girlfriend at the wedding, the other brother took such revenge, people said, wow!

What don’t people do to attract others’ attention? People want that everyone’s attention should be towards them in their marriage. But many people cannot bear it when this does not happen. In one such incident, people praised a person on social media. This man stole the headlines at his brother’s wedding by announcing his wife’s pregnancy. He wanted to take ‘small revenge’ from his brother.

In fact, on the occasion of this man’s wedding, the brother had planned and proposed to his then girlfriend and tried to make her wedding day memorable for himself. So this man decided to take revenge in his marriage. She told on Reddit that her brother said he was going to propose at her wedding. Then this person had refused her.

Didn’t even agree to refuse brother
He told that it was a special day for him and his wife and they did not want any distraction. But when her brother surprised her by proposing to his girlfriend, her mother was also surprised, but she did not want to let the family disintegrate. So he asked the groom to remain calm. Since then this man was thinking of taking revenge from his brother.

This man waited for his brother’s marriage to take revenge. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Revenge announced at brother’s wedding
This user on Reddit told that his brother got married last weekend. Instead of a welcome to the family toast, he used the time to announce that he and his wife are expecting their first child. Meanwhile, his mother got angry and was about to scold him in front of everyone, but his grandmother came forward and calmed her down.

Also read: 1000 This woman has kept a doll, She says, ‘Daughters are like ‘The whole story started with an accident.

people liked the method
In such a situation, this elder brother reminded the mother how at the time of her own marriage the mother had threatened her, ‘If the brother gets evicted from the marriage after proposing, she will immediately leave the marriage.’ Many people liked this whole story and along with this person, his grandmother also praised him.

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