OnePlus offline sale ban could spread all over India Report

OnePlus India: Offline sales of OnePlus products are going to stop in some states of South India from May 1. South India Organized Retailers Association (ORA) had announced last week that they have decided to stop offline sales from May 1 if there is no solution even after continuously telling them about their problems with OnePlus. Now a new update has come out in this news, according to which the offline sales of OnePlus may be stopped not only in South India but also in the entire India.

AIMRA threatened

The All India Mobile Retailers Association (AIMRA), which represents over 1,50,000 offline smartphone retailers in India, has told OnePlus that its members may stop selling OnePlus products. On the other hand, the South Indian Organized Retailers Association (ORA), which represents 4,300 offline retailers, has announced a sales ban from May 1.

In such a situation, if All India Mobile Retailers Association also announces to stop offline sales of OnePlus products, then it means that offline sales of OnePlus smartphones and other products will stop across India. If this happens, it could have a big and bad impact on OnePlus’ business.

AIMRA wrote a letter to OnePlus

According to Android Authority, AIMRA sent a letter to OnePlus, expressing support for ORO’s decision to stop offline sales of OnePlus products from May 1. It is written in an excerpt of this letter that, if the problems are not resolved then we can also close the business of OnePlus across India, because the situation in the general mainline trade remains very bad and there is no consolation or commitment from the company. Can’t find it either.

Reason for closing the sale

Let us tell you that the reason for such harsh action being taken by ORA and AIMRA against OnePlus is OnePlus India’s failure to provide adequate stock over the years, offering poor margins, poor handling of claims, non-fulfillment of commitments. Not doing so, not maintaining good relations with Indian retailers etc.

What did OnePlus say?

However, OnePlus India has shared an email with Android Authority regarding the current situation of the company in India. On the ban on retail sales in India, OnePlus said that OnePlus appreciates all the support it has received from its trusted retail partners over the last seven years. Currently, we are working with our partners on the issues highlighted by them, ensuring our continued commitment to a strong and prosperous relationship in the future.

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