Only 2 fingers instead of 5, feet like birds! The world’s strangest tribe, how did such a situation happen?

Have you ever seen an ostrich? In English this creature is known as Ostrich. This is a very huge bird and is also the fastest running bird. They cannot fly. Their claws are quite different and strange. They have only two toes on their feet. But do you know that there are some people on earth who have legs like these ostriches! So are they the descendants of these Ostriches (People with Ostrich Feet), do they have any relation with birds, or are they victims of some disease? Today we will tell you about this tribe, which has only 2 fingers and not 5.

According to the report of Bright Side and Medium website, there is an area named Kayemba in northern Zimbabwe, Africa, where people of Vadoma tribe live. They are also known as Dema or Doma. These people are known for their Ostrich Foot Syndrome. In the language of science it is also called Ectrodactyly. This is a kind of genetic condition, which these people have from birth.

The people of this African tribe have legs like ostriches. (Photo: Twitter/@Isa_fargo)

Feet became like this due to strange condition
This condition is also known as lobster claw syndrome or two-toed syndrome. They put Asal on hands and feet. Since birth, these people have joined toes, which look like the feet of an ostrich. Actually, their fingers or thumb do not develop from birth. This disease is transferred from one generation to another.

These people climb trees easily
These people like to live in solitude. Due to having only two thumbs, it is difficult for them to wear shoes, walking is also full of problems, however, these people climb trees easily. Vadoma people believe that because of such feet, they are higher and better than other tribes. Let us tell you that the people of this tribe are nomads and earn their living by hunting and fishing. However, due to illegal hunting and poaching, these people have had to give up their hunter instincts. People of this tribe do not marry outside their community, so that people of other tribes do not become like them.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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