Only vegetarian chaap is available in this market of Almora, the taste is such that even non-veg fails, know the location

Rohit Bhatt / Almora. Along with the heritage of the cultural city of Almora, the food here is also slowly attracting people towards itself. Today we have brought you a shop where you can enjoy delicious chap. Chap Bazar is open near Anjali Hospital of Almora. If you are thinking that this chap is non-veg, then you are thinking wrong because this chap made in Almora is veg.

Actually, there used to be no chap shop in Almora before this. Due to its arrival in Almora, people are finding its taste so delicious that the customers coming here daily are coming here again and again. The specialty of this chap is that it is soya chap and 7 types of chap are made here. In which masala, Afghani, milai, lemon, achari, stuffed milai and stuffed masala chaps are made here. People also come here to pack with food.

this is what i was waiting for

Customer Rahul Bisht told that he often used to go to Haldwani or Delhi but was able to enjoy the chaap there. He used to think that chap shops should open in Almora also and when he came to know that chap market is open in Almora too, he came here for the first time. He told that its test is very tasty, the way its spices are mixed, its taste is increasing even more.

The bats of the veges

Customer Bhagwati Joshi told that there is good news for Almora city that this chap shop is open for veg eaters. Often people do not like to eat non-veg, but this chap market is a good concept for many people after opening. He has tasted this chap many times, he says that everyone should taste it once.

Recognition made in just one year

Shop owner Srijan Goyal told that he started it on 26 June 2023. He believed that no one has opened a chap shop in a city like Almora. Why not feed people such a thing which is different, for this they started this work. He told that 7 types of arc are made here. People come here to taste the taste of which and also pack it with food and take it away.

Chap Bazaar Opening Hours

Chap Bazaar remains open from 1 pm to 10 pm. It remains closed on Sundays from 4 pm to 10 pm and on Mondays.

Tags: Almora News, food 18, Food Recipe, Local18

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