Optical Illusion: Challenge to find 3 bananas hidden among many minions in 10 seconds!

Can You Spot 3 Hidden Bananas: Every day many pictures of optical illusion (Spot The Object In Picture) go viral on social media. Actually these pictures are considered very good for your brain exercise. Don’t know how many riddles on the Internet every week force the Internet users to spend their brains. In a picture going viral at the moment, a challenge has been given to find bananas in the crowd of minions.

The artist making the optical illusion designs something in such a way that very few people are able to complete the task given to find it. In the picture there are some bananas hidden in a pile of minions. You have only 10 seconds to solve this challenge, so make your eyes run faster. If you complete this challenge, then your eyes are really sharp.

Where are the bananas hidden among the minions?
The confusing picture that we have brought for you today has been created by Hungarian artist Gergely Dudas. These are the artists, whose paintings are usually such a trick, that the searchers keep looking at the picture for minutes but they cannot find the hidden thing in it. There are also 3 bananas kept somewhere in a pile of minions. If you have faith in your eyes, then within 10 seconds, find and show all the three hidden bananas in the picture, then we will accept your expert vision.

In a viral picture, a challenge has been given to find bananas in a crowd of minions. (Credit- Gergely Dudas Dudolf)

Here are hidden bananas…
If all three bananas have appeared in your eyes, then your eyes are really sharp, but if your struggle is still going on, then look closely at the optical illusion. The artist has very cleverly placed bananas at places where our eyes wander.

If you complete this challenge, then your eyes are really sharp. (Credit- Gergely Dudas Dudolf)

If you still haven’t found the bananas, then through this picture you can see where the bananas are kept in the crowd of minions.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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