oral health alcohol based mouthwash can increase risk of cancer | Health Risk: If you use mouthwash with this thing then be alert, the risk of cancer may increase

Oral Health : Nowadays, the use of alcohol-based mouthwash has increased a lot. Mouthwash is being used to keep the mouth germ-free and to clean teeth and gums, which can be very dangerous. A study has revealed that there is a risk of cancer from alcohol-based mouthwash.

The study states that alcohol-based mouthwash can have a direct effect on the oral microbiome i.e. the bacteria in the mouth. Due to which the risk of periodontal disease and cancer can increase. Let us tell you that the oral microbiome is helpful in digestion and works to keep the mouth healthy.

what does the study say
The research published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology involved men who have sex with men. They use mouthwash every day to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. The team from the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp, Belgium reported that regular use of alcohol-based mouthwash for 3 months increased the number of bacteria Fuso bacterium nucleatum and Streptococcus anginosus in the mouths of these men.

what happens when bacteria grow
Increasing the number of both Fuso bacterium nucleatum and Streptococcus anginosus bacteria in the mouth can increase gum disease. This also increases the risk of esophageal and colorectal cancer. Not only this, in this study, researchers have also found a decrease in actino bacteria necessary for controlling blood pressure. This means that the problem of BP can also increase due to this. The problem of both cancer and blood pressure can be fatal.

What do experts say
Dr. Jolene Laumann of ITM’s Sexually Transmitted Infection Unit said, ‘Alcohol-based mouthwashes are easily available in the market today. Most people use it to avoid bad breath or to prevent periodontitis, but perhaps they are not aware of its disadvantages, so it is the responsibility of health experts to guide them about it.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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