Over Eating Side Effects Some People Like To Eat More

Over Eating Disorder: Food is a part of the daily life of any person. People who are very restrained. He takes a smart diet in the morning, afternoon and night. They take so much care that only that much is eaten so that the condition of calories in the body remains correct and body weight does not increase. There are some people who keep on eating something or the other all the time. They eat so much that they do not remember how much they are eating. Actually there is some logic hidden behind overeating. Will try to know them today. What can be the dangers of overeating. This is also important to know here.

Why do you feel more hungry?

nutrient deficiencies

Many times when one feels like eating cheese, chocolate, everything, then it becomes necessary to know that this is happening due to the lack of nutrients in the body. Due to deficiency of elements like proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, there is a complaint of feeling hungry again and again.

having hormonal imbalance

Even if there is an imbalance of hormones in the body, the appetite may increase. During this, hormones can release such enzymes, which increase appetite. Ghrelin hormone is normal in this. Over eating can cause other problems including obesity. This can also cause other problems in the body.

under stress

Even if you are under stress, your appetite can increase. During this the cortisol level increases. It helps in increasing appetite. In this, the person starts eating more calorie waza food. When hunger increases, a person starts eating curses. Due to this, they start eating fatty and high calorie food. If this kind of habit is developing then it should be avoided.

over drinking

Drinking alcohol is also a big factor in increasing appetite. People who drink very little alcohol. There is no significant difference in their appetite. Whereas, people who drink more alcohol. They feel more hungry. He likes to eat salty things, processed foods or fatty snacks after drinks. Such people soon become victims of obesity.

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