Ozone layer is improving because of this, know what is Montreal Protocol

In the early 1980s, scientists noticed a hole in the ozone layer that protects our Earth from the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet rays over Antarctica. Seeing this hole started getting bigger and later due to this the situation became so dire that serious changes were seen in the climate around Antarctica. When people all over the world started to understand the effect of its loss, then all the responsible agencies and governments together decided that it should be controlled in any way. For this, the Montreal Protocol was implemented.

What is Montreal Protocol

Actually, when the hole in the ozone layer started increasing, countries around the world Together held a Montreal conference. Rules were made in this conference that the production and equipment related to all those substances would be banned, due to which there is a hole in the ozone layer. It was implemented in the year 1989 and it was called the Montreal Protocol.

What causes the hole in the ozone layer

Scientists believe that When a hole was seen in the ozone layer over Antarctica in the year 1980, scientists from all over the world started showing interest in researching why this is happening. In the research, it was found that this is happening due to a type of chemical, which is called Ozone Depleting Substance ie ODS. The main one in this is chlorofluorocarbons, due to which there is a hole in the ozone layer.

The hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller

A new report has come about the ozone layer, according to which, now its hole is slowly shrinking, that is, it is improving. Scientists believe that the Montreal Protocol has a huge contribution behind this. Because of this, the use of about 99 percent of the banned substances has completely stopped, ie they are no longer emitted.

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