Pada Movie Review: Malayalam film “Pada” tackles a problem more complex than any file

Pada Movie Review: It is in the title sequence of the film Pada that a small child in the forest is trying to break an ant colony with a stick when his sister stops him from doing so and the audience understands that they are about to see a film. Whose wounds are deep. The wounds are still fresh and the pain in them is still the same. Atrocities on tribals are the reality not only of our country but of every country in the world. There can be no answer to the question of who has the right on the earth. If a human being has a right, then every human being has a right. It cannot be that someone has less or someone has more rights. If humans have rights, then animals also have rights. There cannot be more of any animal and less of another.

If animals have rights, trees and plants also have rights, but in order to establish their supremacy, man has considered the earth and nature as his property. While exploiting it, it has become such a practice of greed in which man does not understand anything about trees, plants and animals, but he does not hesitate to end the lives of other human beings as well. Pada is the story of another failed attempt to break one such pattern. If the film is based on real events, then the fun of the film multiplies because there is hardly a single scene in the film which is a bit filmy.

The story of Palakkad district of Kerala
The story is of Palakkad district of Kerala in 1996 where 4 persons enter the collector’s office and with the help of a revolver and some bombs take the collector hostage in his office. The reason is the Scheduled Tribe or Tribal Act of 1975 of Kerala. In April 1975, the Kerala Scheduled Tribes (Prohibition on Transfer of Land and Restitution of Transferred Land) Bill was jointly passed by the Chief Minister of Kerala, C. Achutha Menon, and the Leader of the Opposition, EMS Namboodiripad. It promised to return all the land lost by the tribals of Kerala after 26 January 1960 to them. Nothing happened to this promise for many years. Every year these tribals were also supposed to get compensation which was in crores of rupees and never reached them. Angered by this, some people of communist ideology together made a plan that they would take the collector hostage and somehow get the government to agree to their demands.

Rakesh Kanhagad became Ramesh Kanhagad
The true events were slightly dramatized and this film was composed. In an effort to keep it close to the truth, the names of the characters have also been kept similar to the real persons. Rakesh Kanhagad became Ramesh Kanhagad (Kunchacko Boban), Ajayan Mannur became Aravindan Mannur (Joju George), Babu Kallara became Balu Kallara (Vinayakan), Vilayati Shivankutty became Narayankutty (Dilish Pothan) and so on. went. The work of these four actors cannot be called commendable because they do not seem to be acting even for a moment. Seems to be living a private life, especially Joju George and Dilish Pothan. Simple and easy. Totally heart touching. Perhaps the writer-director Kamal KM must be remembering Shripad Amrit Dange, the founder member of the Communist Party of India, behind why the Collector of Palakkad has been named Ajay Shripad Dange.

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The drama of truth has not been kept in the story based on truth and hence this story seems powerful. When the collector is taken hostage, all the characters who take hostage behave very politely with him. They keep their demands strictly but they do not misbehave with the collector. When the law is cited to them, they also fearlessly put forward their knowledge of the law. In the end, when the mediation lawyer and then the sessions judge ask them to release the hostage citing legal process, the audience knows that this promise will never be fulfilled, but still these four who believe in the goodness of the system The person releases the collector, accepts the judge’s words. Due to the cleverness of the lawyer, these four would not have been punished at that time, but in later years, the police started a campaign to find them by giving them the status of dangerous criminals. All these criminals then kept running in different cities and villages.

story of kannada movie 1978
Pada is a film whose impact might not last for long because there was no place for drama in it. Somewhat similar story was from the Kannada film 1978 where Yagna Shetty, the heroine of the film, holds the entire office hostage to the May employees to get her husband’s pension. There was a lot of drama in that film and parts of the truth were inserted in that too, but it was completely based on the truth. The rights of the tribals have not yet been given to them. Even today every government makes promises in its election manifesto, but this promise is never implemented. Capitalist businessmen, in the process of exploiting the fertile land and natural resources, keep driving these poor tribals away from their own land through the government. Tribals fight many times and are also declared Naxalites, but their courage to protect their land cannot be considered less than the courage of any soldier.

All of them are more experienced actors in acting who seem to have come out of the crowd. His spontaneity is enough to show the mirror to any actor. The cinematography of the film’s cinematographer Sameer Tahir is also good and the work of editor Shaan Mohammad maintains the pace of the film. Writer-director Kamal KM’s debut film I.D. was also a great thriller and with Pada he has carved a niche for himself. The film Pada is a great film, and one of its special things, while watching the film, you get immersed in the film, get attached to the characters and then when the film ends, you feel an emptiness. Such films are less made.

detailed rating

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Tags: movie review, movie review, Tollywood

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