Pakistan Blast Near Mosque In Peshawar Police Lines Area Latest Update Casualty

Pakistan Bomb Blast: Pakistan was once again shaken by the bomb blast. There was a massive bomb blast in a mosque in Peshawar on Monday (January 30) afternoon. The blast took place during Zohar prayers in the mosque located in the Police Lines area of ​​Peshawar. Many people lost their lives due to the blast in the mosque. According to the report of Geo News, 28 people have died in the blast, while more than 150 people have been injured. The number of dead is expected to increase further.

According to media reports, the attacker blew himself up during prayers. The roof of the mosque has collapsed in the bomb blast.

bomb blast in mosque

According to the report of Geo News, 28 people have lost their lives in this explosion. Many policemen have also died in this. The condition of many of the injured is said to be serious. Right now many more people are feared to be buried under the debris. After the blast, emergency has been imposed in the area. At present, the Pakistan Army has cordoned off the area.

suicide bomber blasted

Only ambulances are being allowed to come after the area is completely cordoned off. According to security officials, the suicide bomber was present in the front row during prayers at the mosque and then blew himself up. It is being told that there is an office of the army unit near the place where the blast took place.

The part of the mosque collapsed due to the loud explosion

According to the report, the explosion was so strong that a part of the mosque collapsed. The sound of the explosion was heard about 2 km away. People present in Peshawar Police Lines told that after the explosion, there was a cloud of dust and smoke in the sky. Peshawar’s Lady Reading Hospital (LRC) spokesman Mohammad Asim told Pakistani media that the injured were being brought to the hospital.

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