Pakistan Election 2024 Taliban Afghanistan Imran Khan PTI

Pakistan Election 2024: Voting for general elections has started in Pakistan. About 150 parties are participating in the fray, while the credibility of 6,500 candidates is at stake. According to media reports, about 100 candidates are tainted in the general elections. These candidates have either been involved in any such activities which are against the law of Pakistan. Either they have the support of some terrorist organization.

The only aim of tainted candidates is to strengthen their organizations by winning the elections. So that he can enter power in Pakistan on the lines of Taliban. This is the reason why many terrorist groups in particular areas are trying their best to ensure victory for their candidates by intimidating the local people. If these groups are successful in making their candidate win, then the day is not far when terrorists will take over Pakistan too.

Hafiz’s relatives descended on Chuvav

A new party is participating in the general elections. The name of this party is Pakistan Markazi Muslim League. According to media reports, this party has the support of Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of the 2008 terrorist attacks.

Hafiz Saeed’s son Talha Saeed and his son-in-law Hafiz Nek Gujjar are also in the fray from the party’s side. Apart from this, tickets have also been given to many relatives of Saeed and terrorists associated with him. In such a situation, the victory of these candidates will take Pakistan into the depths of terror.

Election symbol has been snatched from Imran Khan

Last time’s winner PTI seems completely isolated in this election. founder of the party Imran Khan Are in jail. His wife Bushra Bibi has also been kept like a prisoner in his house. Khan’s party has also been stripped of its election symbol bat. The situation is that the party leaders are forced to fight through different election symbols, which no one even remembers.

Experts believe that this time a miracle will happen so that the PTI government can come back to power. The present army of Pakistan is also working against PTI. Not only this, the intelligence agency there and the present administration are also not liking him.

Also read- Pakistan Elections 2024: How many seats will be held, how many voters will vote, know everything before the general elections in Pakistan.

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