pakistan will soon attack Delhi with the help of Turkey army pakistan Real Entertainment Video viral

pakistan will soon attack Delhi with the help of Turkey army pakistan Real Entertainment Video viralpakistan will soon attack Delhi with the help of Turkey army pakistan Real Entertainment Video viral

Real Entertainment Video: Shoaib Chaudhary has shared a video on Pakistani YouTube channel Real Entertainment. In this video, a Pakistani man is seen talking nonsense. He is claiming that India will soon be captured by Pakistan with the help of Turkey. Now this video is being shared a lot.

In the video, a person is quoting Heer Waris Shah as claiming, “Read Heer Waris Shah, he has written that one day India will rule here but then Turkish army will come to help us and we will go to Delhi.” Will wave the flag. We will rule entire Delhi.

This person further says that there should be military rule in Pakistan. General Asim Munir should take command in his own hands and decide everything himself. Democracy is not good in my view, it is causing loss to Pakistan. The era of General Musharraf was good. He knew how to rule well. Nothing has happened like that since.

Another person says that today Pakistan is a slave of IMF because of such thinking. The Prime Minister of India and other leaders were absolutely right about whom we should talk to in Pakistan. Do it with the army or with the government. Today our condition is the worst in the world.

Another person raised the issue of Kashmir and said that we want to liberate it. India is committing atrocities in Kashmir. Pakistan is with Kashmir and Kashmiris also want them to come with Pakistan. Just as we have Azad Kashmir, we will also take Indian Kashmir. At present the condition of Pakistan is bad and the people of Kashmir are wondering how we can go to such Pakistan. They say that we will be martyred here fighting India.

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