Palmistry Child Line In Hand Indicate The Number Of The Children Hast Rekha Gyan

Palm Reading: Very interesting information has been given in palmistry on the basis of palm lines. A lot can be known about a person’s nature and his future from this information. Today we are going to talk about those lines of the palm from which the total number of children a person will have can be known. Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas told that many interesting things related to palmistry have been told.

Mount of Mercury gives a sign of child happiness

According to Jyotishcharya, there are some such lines on the palm of a person, from which it can be known about his future children. Let us tell you that the place of the lower part of the little finger is called Mount of Mercury and in astrology, on the basis of the lines formed on Mount of Mercury, it is known about the child’s happiness of the person. According to the palmistry, the number of vertical lines on the mount of Mercury on your palm will be the same number of children you will have.

In palmistry, the lower part of the thumb is called the Mount of Venus. The number of children is determined on the basis of small lines formed on the Mount of Venus. It is interesting to know that these small lines of Mount Mercury and Venus are known as child lines in palmistry. Palmistry was best used to predict diseases and unexpected events in life. Only a learned palmist would be able to distinguish each accurately.

In palmistry, you get a lot of information about your future through hand lines. Like marriage, career, age, children etc. Every newly married couple wishes to have a child soon. The first question newly married people ask any astrologer is about their children. Answers to all these questions of yours will also be found in the palm lines apart from the birth chart. Let us know where is the child line on the palm and how these lines indicate.

Where is the child line in the palm

According to Samudrik Shastra, the upward line on the Mount of Mercury at the root of the little finger in the palm is called the child line. This line should be clear. The number of children you will have in your hand, the number of children you will have in future. The idea of ​​progeny is also done from the lines located on the Mount of Venus. The horizontal line coming inside from the outside of the palm is called marriage line.

what does the child line indicate

According to oceanography, the straight and deep the lines are, they are the symbol of male children, whereas the lighter or finer the lines are, the number of female children is visible. According to the palm specialist, the child lines should be clean, clear, unbroken. Such lines represent the best children. Oceanography says that if there is an island mark on the Santaban line located in the palm, it shows the poor health of the child. If there is a mole on the child line in your palm, then due to this there is a problem in getting a child. If the child lines in your palm are cut and torn, then you will not get the happiness of children.

According to oceanography, the progeny lines located in the palm go from bottom to top and if it gets divided into two parts at the end, then the progeny may have to face a lot of trouble. According to palmistry, if there is a red mole on the child line, then the child may have a short life. The people whose Mount of Mercury is prominent have four children. On the other hand, those whose Mount of Venus is raised get a child.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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