Papaya for a pregnant lady should be avoided if the papaya is green or semi ripe why know about myth vs facts

During pregnancy, women need to take special care of their health. From doctors to elders of the house, everyone often advises what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy. During pregnancy, grandmothers, mothers, aunts, aunts, maternal aunts say that eating saffron makes the child fair. Therefore, saffron should be eaten but on the other hand they also say that papaya should not be eaten.

The elderly women of the house believe that papaya should not be eaten at all during this period as it can lead to miscarriage. But in such a situation the question arises whether this is true. If a woman is not aware of this and she eats papaya knowingly or unknowingly then she will have a miscarriage. Let us know the truth behind this.

There are many myths in society about pregnancy

There are many myths related to pregnancy in our society. These are such myths which are prevalent in the minds of people even in the 21st century. Drinking saffron milk during pregnancy makes the baby fair, eating papaya can cause abortion, mopping the floor while sitting leads to normal delivery. There are many such things in our society which are absolutely absurd according to science.

There is a big trend in the society that people blindly believe these things. The most surprising thing is that even though these things are myths, they outweigh the truth. ‘ABP Live Hindi’ has a special presentation on such things – Myth Vs Facts. The ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’ is trying to take you out of the swamp of old-fashioned things and bring the truth to you.

1. Facts Check: Why raw papaya should not be eaten

According to the news published in Indian Express, eating raw papaya during pregnancy is prohibited because it contains a lot of latex. Which can shrink the uterus of the woman. This can cause problems to the woman during pregnancy. Raw papaya is not good for the health of the baby growing in the womb. In such a situation, women should not eat raw papaya.

2.Fact Check: Ripe papaya is beneficial

Dr Saloni of the Gynecology Department at Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi says that ripe papaya during pregnancy is very good for both the mother and the child. It is rich in Vitamin B and Vitamin C. It is very good for women during pregnancy. Women who have constipation problems during pregnancy should definitely eat this papaya. It also relieves morning sickness.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Myth vs Facts: Does smoking alone cause lung cancer? Disease does not occur at a young age, know what is the reality

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