Parcel came from China, as soon as it was opened, such a thing came out from inside, people were stunned to see it, they ran to save their lives

If a parcel comes from any country in the world, it is not monitored that much, but if something is coming from China, it is strictly monitored. Many agencies investigate him. Even from loading till the parcel reaches its destination, an eye is kept on it. But something happened in Britain which stunned people. A parcel was sent here from China. But as soon as it was opened, people trembled after seeing it. Saved my life by running.

According to the Mirror report, a large quantity of fruits and vegetables come to Britain from China. Some such boxes reached Britain through parcel. When they were being opened in the warehouse in Oldham, a huge poisonous spider of the size of a hand was seen in a box. Seeing this, people started running away. Because he had never seen such a big spider. He felt that there was some poisonous thing which could make him sick.

spider the size of my child’s hand
An employee said, the spider is the size of my child’s hand. I found it inside the boxes. She was already dead and withered. It was quite surprising to find such a creature where you would not expect it. This caused me to have a heart attack. I shudder just thinking about it. It seems that it got hidden inside the boxes at the time of packing in China. When it was being brought by sea, it died due to the long journey.

Huntsman Spider is expert in hunting very fast (Photo_canva)

It is expert in hunting
Spider expert Aaron Phoenix said, it is probably a spider named Heteropoda venetoria, which lives in tropical areas. They are also called huntsman spiders because they are expert in hunting. You will be surprised to know that it can grow up to about one foot long. Generally it is not considered dangerous, but if it bites, there is enough poison in its body, which causes a lot of pain. It is very fast and attacks instantly. It has claws of about four inches.

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