Parenting Tips: Parents are snatching away the childhood of children at an early age, are you also doing this?

Children of today are growing up at a very young age. A big reason for this is that parents are snatching away their childhood before time. Many parents put so much pressure on their children with studies, extra-curricular activities and other responsibilities that they do not have time to play and enjoy their childhood. But do you know how much pressure this burden puts on children? They are not able to live their childhood.

Experts’ opinion
Psychologists and education experts believe that children have every right to live their childhood. They believe that playing and having fun in childhood keeps children physically and mentally healthy. Apart from this, it also improves their social development. Many parents want their child to be at the forefront in every field. In this desire, they put a lot of responsibilities and expectations on their children from an early age. This is not right.

Parents should not do this work 
Children do not have the psychological and physical capacity to handle all the things well. Too much pressure can make them a victim of mental stress. Their time to play and enjoy childhood is reduced. When children are busy all the time in studies and other activities, their creativity and ability to be happy is affected. They should get full opportunity to live their childhood. Time spent in sports, fun and friendship is very important for their overall development. Parents should teach children things comfortably and according to their interests without pressure. This will not only keep the children happy, but they will also develop in a better way. 

What can parents do?

  • Give time to play: Give children some time every day to play and have fun.
  • Study without pressure: Motivate children to study, but do not put too much pressure on them.
  • Balanced routine: Include studies, sports and rest in children’s daily routine.
  • Talk to children: Talk to them about their likes, dislikes and problems.

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