‘Parents call ex-husband again and again’, woman tells her story, asks, what should I do?

Relationships sometimes put a person in a strange situation. Families are also not untouched by this. One such unique experience has happened to a woman who has shared what happened to her on social media. This woman told that she is confused because her parents like her ex-husband. Not only this, she even says that her parents are now desperate to give her a second chance whereas she wishes that they did not like her that much.

And even invite her for dinner without telling her so that they can put pressure on her. To converse with him. The woman has told her story in De Slate’s Dear Prudence advice column. The woman told that she and her ex-husband have been divorced for 10 years, and she is happy and satisfied with her decision.

On the other hand, her parents keep thinking about them getting back together, even though she has said that she is no longer interested. Every time she visits her parents, she fantasizes about them being together again. Many times he calls her for dinner without informing her. Sometimes the mother starts shedding tears in the name of her grandchildren.

The woman says that once when she introduced one of her boyfriends to her parents, he was compared negatively to her ex-husband and was treated rudely. Now she keeps her dating life separate. The woman said she has been able to deal with her parents’ “obsession” with her ex-husband over the years.

Her mother is going to undergo surgery and the woman plans to help her parents with the care. But it also means that the chances of seeing your ex-husband again will increase. On this whole incident, Dear Prudence says that the woman should talk clearly to her parents and the next time she meets her ex-husband, she should also tell him clearly what she wants.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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