Paul Alexander who lived in an iron lung for 70 years after surviving polio passes away

Paul Alexander, also known as Polio Paul, has died at the age of 78. Paul Alexander’s close friend Daniel Spinks said that Paul died in a Dallas hospital. He was infected with Covid a few days ago after which he was admitted to the hospital. At present, the clear cause of his death has not been given. Now the question arises that why is Paul Alexander so special and is being discussed everywhere.

After the death of Paul Alexander, there is a lot of discussion about iron lungs. Let us know through this article what is ‘Iron Lungs’? And how does it work? It is known by different names in medical and engineering fields. Such as cabinet respirator, tank respirator, negative pressure ventilator and others. But since its creation almost a century ago, it has been working like a life-saving machine. Which is known as iron lungs.

What are iron lungs?

The name may sound a bit scary but it looks exactly like a coffin-like machine. But this machine is no less than magic for some people. When polio outbreak occurred in America in 1952. Most of the victims included children. During this time, Paul also got polio at the age of 6. Polio had spread so much that it was damaging Paul’s lungs. And he was having trouble breathing.

How do iron lungs work?

The iron lung was developed in 1927 and first used in a clinical setting in 1928. Due to which the life of a suffering little girl was saved and soon the lives of many thousands of other people were saved. It was invented by Philip Drinker with Louis Agassiz Shaw at the Harvard School of Public Health. Drinker was specifically studying treatments for coal-gas poisoning, but he realized that iron lungs could also help people who were having trouble breathing or had lung failure. Is. Can also help polio victims.

Iron lungs are actually made of steel. His head remains outside the room while a rubber collar is attached through which the patient’s head protrudes outside. The first iron lung was powered by an electric motor and an air pump from some vacuum cleaners. It works through single ventilation (ENPV). It is designed in such a way that air will easily reach the patient’s lungs and the patient will get oxygen as per his need. Even if the patient’s muscles are not able to do this, oxygen is not easily able to reach inside this machine. The best thing about this machine is that it keeps the pump inside the machine running and through which the patient remains alive.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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