People are crazy about this shop filled with potato spicy chutney, 10 rates of 10, Test just don’t ask ..

People are crazy about this shop filled with potato spicy chutney, 10 rates of 10, Test just don’t ask ..People are crazy about this shop filled with potato spicy chutney, 10 rates of 10, Test just don’t ask ..

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Famous Kachori Shop Dahulpur Rajasthan: If you want to take the best Kachori test, then today we are going to tell you about such a shop in Dholpur, which is years old. Here it is made from maida, and inside …Read more


The same wonderful taste even after a hundred years


  • Kachori of Pachauri, a parrot of Dholpur, is famous.
  • 3 kachori is available for 10 rupees.
  • Potato spicy sauce is filled in Kachori.

Dholpur In the morning, only one name comes in the minds of the people of Dholpur as soon as the thought of hot kachori comes in breakfast. Parrot Pachauri’s small kachori. The taste of this shop, which started a hundred years ago, still attracts people as much as before. People of this kachori taste are crazy. People who eat Kachori here not only find the taste here special, but the memories of their childhood are connected here. Now you can guess how many people are crazy about it. So let’s know about Kachori

3 kachori for 10 rupees
In the old city area of ​​Dholpur city, Parrot Pachauri, while giving information to local-18, said that about 100 years ago, he started making small kachori. Time passed, but the taste of this kachori did not change. Let us tell you that the legacy of the shop is now being handled by his son Chowk Pachauri, who has been running the shop for the last 70 years. Three small kachoris are available here for 10 rupees.

How this special kachori is made
Further, they say that it is made from maida, and light spicy sauce of potato is filled inside. Then it is fried in pure mustard oil. But the real taste comes when it is served with sweet and sour sauce. At the same time, the sixes say Pachauri, that we have adopted the same traditional method, which has been going on since the time of our father. This is the reason that even today people come from far and wide to eat our kachori.

There is a feeling related to childhood memories
At the same time, 80-year-old Bhagwan Singh, who came here to have breakfast, told local-18, that we come here to eat kachori here. The same taste is still there today. Whenever a guest comes, we take Kachori pack from here. This small shop of Dholpur is not only a historical hideout of taste. Rather, there is also an example of saving old traditions. For every customer who comes here, it is not just a breakfast, but a feeling related to childhood memories.


People are crazy about this shop filled with potato spicy chutney, 10 rates of 10!

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