People earn lakhs from hemp cultivation know what things it is used for

People earn lakhs from hemp cultivation know what things it is used forPeople earn lakhs from hemp cultivation know what things it is used for

There are many types of drugs around the world. In this you must have heard about the intoxication of Bhang, Ganja and Charas. But do you know that in many countries people earn lakhs of rupees by cultivating hemp. However, cultivation of hemp is illegal in India. Today we will tell you how people earn lakhs of rupees by cultivating hemp.


There has been a debate for a long time about legalizing marijuana in India. But hemp is legal in many countries around the world and people there earn lakhs of rupees by cultivating hemp. It is noteworthy that during the government of PM Rajiv Gandhi, its cultivation was banned in India under the NDPS Act, 1985. Before this, hemp was cultivated in India.

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Hemp is illegal in many countries

Let us tell you that today the government of many countries has legalized Ganja. It is noteworthy that from the beginning of the 19th century, different countries started banning hemp. Between 1900 and 1961, many countries like Britain, America, Poland and Japan had banned the cultivation of cannabis and its products. But the biggest action at the global level was taken after the establishment of the UN.

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Hemp is legal in these countries

In December 2021, Malta became the first EU member to legalize marijuana. During this period, adults have been allowed to carry seven grams of cannabis and grow four plants at home.

Netherlands – In the Netherlands, hemp was legalized in the year 1976. Since then, marijuana is sold in reputable coffee shops in the Netherlands. However, its cultivation is illegal here also.

luxembourg – The government of Luxembourg in June allowed cannabis users to grow up to four plants at home and to reduce public smoking.

Spain- In Spain, marijuana users are allowed to grow the plant for personal use at home. But there is a ban on selling the drug or smoking it in public.

America – Federal US law prohibits the cultivation, sale and use of cannabis. However, 18 states, including California and the capital Washington DC, have made major legislative changes in the last decade, legalizing all types of marijuana for its use.

Canada- In the year 2018, Canada had legalized the use of marijuana in its country and here people have been allowed to possess 30 grams as well as four seeds at home.

hemp cultivation

Let us tell you that in the countries where hemp is being cultivated, people earn lakhs of rupees by farming it. Because the hemp plant is used to make many intoxicating medicines. There are many medicines manufactured around the world in which canvas is used.

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