People expelled from the world’s biggest metropolis live here, there is abundance of garbage, even cats are afraid of rats.

You must have heard a lot about people expelled from one country settling in another country. But there is one city in the world where people expelled from the nearby big metropolis live. There is a lot of garbage in this small town and there is such a fear of rats here that even cats are afraid of rats here. This city of Essex is considered to be the most deprived area in England. Knowing about this place, even the people of the nearby city of London do not believe that such a city exists so close to them.

Despite being close to London, it is the most deprived city in the UK. This town named Jaywick has been declared the most deprived neighborhood in England three times in the last ten years. According to the Daily Star, residents say that government officials had put all the “dirty families” from the council estates of Essex and London here.

According to another local, many criminal incidents of stabbing have taken place here in recent years. This has further tarnished the image of this already infamous city. Most of these houses are inhabited only for a short period of time and they remain only wooden huts.

Many people living here are very dissatisfied with the maintenance of this place. (Picture: YouTube grab)

Another resident told that there is a lot of fear of rats here, so much so that his three cats run away as soon as they see rats. Many of the houses here are very old and many have started rotting due to lack of care. Roads and streets are choked. People who come here also believe that there will be no place like this anywhere nearby.

The situation is that here people throw out the mattresses, sofas etc. used for sleeping because now people have stopped taking care of such things. But it is not that the people of Javik are not trying to beautify this place. People here also complain that the media deliberately highlights such areas where crimes, poverty and filth occur.

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People also believe that many people who were expelled from London came here. They hold the council responsible for the huge amount of garbage accumulated here. And the council is well aware of this problem. The council also says that people should realize their responsibilities. Yet the problems here are very complex. Still, efforts are being made!” Like every picture, there are many good areas in Jevik too.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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