People here are no less than China, they sprinkle salt and pepper on the jumping fish and eat it as a salad!

The world is very big and the people living here are also of different types. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Now if we talk about food and drink, every person has his own favorite flavor. However, it is divided into two categories – vegetarian and non-vegetarian. In this too, sometimes some such dishes come up, which are beyond our imagination.

Whenever it comes to eating something strange, the first name that comes to mind is China. However, there is another country where people eat living creatures with great pleasure. The name of this country is Thailand. Due to its beauty, it is a favorite place for tourists but today we will tell you about a dish here which is not easy for everyone to digest.

People eat jumping fish
According to the website Oddity Central, there is a popular dish in Thailand – Dancing Shrimp or Goon Ten. As you might have understood from the name itself, this dish is related to lobster. However, its specialty is that the fish is not cooked in it, rather very small fish are taken out directly from the water and marinated alive. After mixing salt, chilli, lemon, fish sauce, mint and lemongrass, small live fish are added directly from the tank and mixed.

Your heart will tremble upon seeing it
These are put in a special double basket container and mixed by shaking vigorously. People who buy it eat marinated live fish by the spoonfuls. People who review it on social media said that it may look and sound cruel but it is very tasty. The strangest part of this dish is that when people pick it up to eat, the fish jump and run away and the eaters kill them by putting them in their mouths.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Weird news

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